Whats happening each month in 2022
JUNE | | |
EC Live and Mud Run What a wonderful afternoon we all had at East Court Live on Sunday! The East Grinstead Lions red, white or blue candy floss went down a treat as did their delicious cakes and refreshments! A busy day for the Lions as simultaneously more Lions were assisting with the 'Bag Drop' at the Monsters Mud Run event held at Herontye House Picnic in the Park New Town Mayor, Cllr Adam Peacock, and the East Grinstead Lions joined in the fun at the Jubilee Picnic held on Thursday at King George's field. What a lovely sunny afternoon it was, and great to chat to local residents and visitors about the many ways in which the Lions support the local Community. Even 'Leo the Lion' enjoyed his ice cream!!! | | |
Book Sales - Daily
We continue all year to offer books for sale through our outlets at two local Railway Stations, East Grinstead and Lingfield and the new shop on the 2nd Floor within Martells Store in the London Road.
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Blooming Arts - Exhibition - 18th June Bllooming Arts are hosting an art exhibition of the works created by their students. This is open to the public on Saturday 18th June between 10am and 4pm at their venue in Shawlands Court, Lingfield RH7 6BL | | |
JULY | | |
East Court Live - 3rd July East Grinstead Lions will be providing refreshments on Sunday 3rd July | | |
Handover - 10th July On Sunday, the East Grinstead Lions held their President’s Handover lunch at Sweetwoods Golf Course. After a delicious lunch, out-going President of two years, Brian Richens, thanked everyone for their hard work and continued support and passed the chain of office to Ian Forbes to hold for the forthcoming year. Brian was humbled when Ian unexpectedly presented him with the prestigious Melvin Jones (founder of the Lions organisation). Fellowship Award in recognition of his ‘dedicated humanitarian services’ to the community. On a more light-hearted note, Richard Maynard was awarded the Rob Holwell Cup for the person who says’ twenty words when one will do’ for the many emails he has sent over the year to members of the Club! A very enjoyable afternoon was had by all and best wishes to Ian in his new role as President. | | |
Donkey Derby - 24th July East grinstead Lions ran the annual Donkey Derby on St Georges Fields between midday and 5pm with donkey races, stalls, food and refreshments, Beer Tent, Donkey Races and Rides, etc. A big Lions THANK YOU to the Dashing Donkeys, jockeys, sponsors, stallholders, volunteers, Martell’s, the Town Mayor, Susy Radio, Town Council, Waitrose and all those who donated cakes, wine or tombola prizes and helped make the day such a success. The wonderful sum of £5,500 was raised and will be used to benefit local Community Projects, residents in need and causes East Grinstead Lions support throughout the year. | | |
AUGUST | | |
The Lions refreshments went down well at East Court Live on Sunday afternoon. What a wonderful time we all had - great weather, great music and a great atmosphere. | | |
Following a donation from East Grinstead Lions Club, the Evergreens Pensioners Club enjoyed a lovely afternoon at the Heritage Centre in Hassocks this week. After their cream tea they enjoyed having a look around the garden centre. It was an opportunity to catch up with friends and travel outside East Grinstead town itself. | |  |
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Schools Cross Country | | |
What a lovely afternoon it was at the local schools' Cross Country event. The Lions were kept busy on the refreshment stall; with cakes and candy floss being in great demand! Well done to all the children who took part, the organisers and volunteers. | | |
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World Sight Day 13th Oct East Grinstead lions continue to collect unwanted glasses and bins are located in Boots, Vision Express, Alexanders, Authur Hayes, Judges Close Surgery , Moatfield and Second Life in Forest Row | | |
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Fund Raising - Raffles and Claledars Town Mayor and Leo the Lion helped launch the Lions Christmas Bazaar and had their first customer. We are selling Lucky Prize Advent Calendars, Christmas Cards, Raffle Tickets and the stall will be in Queens Walk Thursdays and Saturdays 10am until 4pm until 10th December. | |  |
Its a Knockout | | |
This event was held between students of the local Special Educational Needs schools and was organised by the local Lions Clubs. Students were from Clifton Hall School, Dukyls Farm Center, Pericles, Surrey Choices and Young Epilepsy. Paul Johnson an East Grinstead Lion helped Pericles Puffins for a couple of their events. Mayors or Councillors from EG, Banstead, Horley, Tandridge, Croydon and Reigate were present. The overall winners were Pericles Puffins from East Grinstead and the Mayor presented them with their medals. | |  |
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PSA Testing | | |
The Lions Club paid £7500.00 to host a FREE Prostate Testing Event at the Merdian Hall , East Court on 26th November 2022. The premises were provided free of charge by the Town Council. The test is for men between the ages of 40 to 80 years, and be booked as an appointment between 10am and 4pm .
Of the 970 men tested, 41 men were found to be at risk and were advised to seek further diagnosis. | | 970 Men were processed on the day including the Mayor .  |
Remembrance Day | | |
The Lions were on duty directing traffic and marshalling the public. The Lion President Ian Forbes also laid a wreath on behalf of the club. | |  |
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Santa supported by his elves visited Martells Store today 2nd December Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year | | .  |
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Updated 7.6.22